Depth Psychology
Depth psychological approaches “help individuals become aware of what has been cast out of consciousness or not yet able to be known”. More on Depth Psychology.
“Modern psychological and psychiatric practice tends to split the person into behaviors thoughts and body chemistry we are of course all of these things but we're also something more much more if someone cataloged your behaviors summarized your thought process read your medical records and said they were you would protest because you are more than the sum of those parts". (James Hollis).
Watch this 8 minute video with Dr. James Hollis and Jungian Analyst addressing the nature of Depth Psychology and the Psyche.
As depicted in this video, Depth psychologists attempt to understand the unconscious through the study of symbols, images, dreams, symptoms, interpersonal encounters and synchronicities.
As nocturnal predators, owls' incredible night vision is legendary. Night has forever been a symbol of the darkness within, the unseen and possibly the unconscious (Carl Jung).
The process of healing in Depth Psychology happens when what has been repressed, rejected, denied or ignored is included so that the person can understand, explore its significance and integrate it, allowing for a transformation in consciousness. For this reason, Depth Psychology has a longer-lasting and more profound impact than cognitive or behavioral psychologies alone.
A practitioner of depth psychology that is culturally sensitive will take into account the diverse effects of culture, community, and ecological issues on mental health. Seeking a culturally sensitive practitioner of depth psychology? Dr. Nadia Thalji offers psychotherapy for individuals and couples. Learn more here.
Learn about the Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Contemporary Evidence-Based Research for Depth Psychology