Mindful Writing: Deepening Your Relationship with Your Pandemic Experience
A Written By Nadia Thalji
During the pandemic, many people have deepened their connection with nature, became more introspective, and revisited their beliefs, values, and goals. In this blog post, we invite you to explore your authentic experience of going through the pandemic through mindful writing and active imagination. It's all about finding meaning, understanding, and purpose.
What Did You Find Out About Yourself During the Pandemic? In this question, there is an invitation to "finding out" about yourself. Perhaps the pandemic enhanced certain aspects of yourself that were already there. By exploring this question through mindful writing, you can gain deeper insights into your inner world.
What Have You Gained from this Time of Social Isolation? This question already implies that there was a gain. In this positive worldview, experiences are seen as gifts and opportunities to engage with the world on a different level. By recognizing and honoring the experience gained during times of distress, we become more intimately connected to our own life and the events that shape us.
If You Gained Something, Name It. When the experience gained during times of distress is consciously acknowledged, life can become a teacher. This question invites you to reflect on the gains you've made during the pandemic and write them down.
Let's Practice Some Mindful Writing We invite you to practice a 10-20 minutes mindful writing session. Begin by asking yourself, "What have I gained from this time of social isolation?" Meditate on this question for a couple of minutes and write down whatever comes to your mind. Next, focus your attention on the images that come to your mind and draw the image/symbol that captures your feelings, sensations, and thoughts. Sit with your image/symbol for about 2 minutes and repeat the initial question, but this time ask the image, "What do you have to say?" Write down your thoughts, associations, and images.
Conclusion: Mindful writing and active imagination can deepen your relationship with your authentic experience of going through the pandemic. By exploring questions such as "What did I find out about myself during the pandemic?" and "What have I gained from this time of social isolation?", you can gain deeper insights into your inner world. Dr. Nadia Thalji, a culturally sensitive and relational psychotherapist, offers psychodynamic psychotherapy and cross-cultural initiatives in San Francisco Bay Area. Contact her for more information.